Plants from Saskatchewan's prairies, aspen parkland and boreal forest

Saskatchewan's native plants survive in habitats as varied as near-arctic conditions in the extreme northeast, to semi-arid desert-like conditions in the southwest. Boreal forest covers the majority of the province in jackpine and white spruce, while the south is mostly grasslands dotted with aspen bluffs and river-bottom cottonwood forests. An anomaly are the Cypress Hills, whose elevation and subsequent plant life is comparable the foothills of the Rocky Mountains in Alberta.
Saskatoon exists in the Aspen Parkland eco-region, defined by stands of trembling aspen (Populus tremuloides).
20-5 | 1966 | Abies balsamea | balsam fir | NE N Am | Pinaceae |
15-28 | 2012 | Acer spicatum | mountain maple | E N Am | Sapindaceae |
3-32 | 2011 | Alnus incana | speckled alder | N N Am | Betulaceae |
17-1 | 2012 | Alnus incana subsp. tenuifolia | mountain alder | W N Am | Betulaceae |
3-62 | 2006 | Amelanchier alnifolia | Saskatoon serviceberry | W N Am | Rosaceae |
3-59 | 2006 | Amelanchier sanguinea | roundleaf serviceberry | E N Am | Rosaceae |
11-39 | 2007 | Arctostaphylos uva-ursi | kinnikinnick or bearberry | Eu – Asia – N Am | Ericaceae |
23-48 | 2017 | Artemesia cana | silver sagebrush | W N Am | Asteraceae |
8-1.1 | 2012 | Betula neoalaskana | Alaska paper birch, resin birch | NW N Am | Betulaceae |
1-24 | 2015 | Betula occidentalis | water birch | W N Am | Betulaceae |
8-4 | 1966 | Betula papyrifera | white or paper birch | N Am | Betulaceae |
10-1 | 1974 | Betula pumila var. glandulifera | bog birch | N Am | Betulaceae |
10-10.2 | 2007 | Celastrus scandens | American bittersweet | C and E N Am | Celastraceae |
10-12.1 | 2013 | Clematis ligusticifolia | western white clematis | W N Am | Ranunculaceae |
19-17 | 1974 | Cornus sericea | red-osier dogwood | N N Am | Cornaceae |
7-24 | 2013 | Corylus americana | American hazel | E N Am | Betulaceae |
3-20 | 2006 | Corylus cornuta | beaked hazel | N N Am | Betulaceae |
10-4 | 1966 | Crataegus chrysocarpa | round-leaved hawthorn | N Am | Rosaceae |
12-1 | 1972 | Crataegus douglasii | Douglas hawthorn | N & W N Am | Rosaceae |
25-2.1 | 2019 | Crataegus douglasii | black hawthorn | W N Am | Rosaceae |
12-6 | 1981 | Crataegus macracatha (succulenta) | fleshy hawthorn | N Am | Rosaceae |
5-12 | 2006 | Diervilla lonicera | northern bush-honeysuckle | C & E N Am | Diervillaceae |
24-13.1 | 1966 | Elaeagnus commutata | silverberry or wolf willow | W- C N Am | Eleagnaceae |
23-46 | 2011 | Empetrum nigrum | black crowberry | N N Am – N Asia | Ericaceae |
16-2 | 1975 | Fraxinus pennsylvanica var. austinii | Austin green ash | E N Am | Oleaceae |
2-5 | 1966 | Fraxinus pennsylvanica var. subintegerrima | green ash | E N Am | Oleaceae |
13-28 | 2011 | Juniperus horizontalis | creeping juniper | N N Am | Cupressaceae |
19-20 | 2013 | Juniperus scopulorum | Rocky Mountain juniper | W N Am | Cupressaceae |
25-10.1 | 2009 | Larix laricina | tamarack | N & E N Am | Pinaceae |
21-46 | 2014 | Linnea borealis | twinflower | N Am, Europe, Asia | Caprifoliaceae |
3-60 | 2011 | Lonicera caerulea var. villosa | mountain fly honeysuckle | N Am | Caprifoliaceae |
3-60 | 2013 | Lonicera caerulea var. villosa | mountain fly honeysuckle | N Am | Caprifoliaceae |
10-1.1 | 2019 | Lonicera dioica | twining honeysuckle | N & E N Am | Caprifoliaceae |
10-2.1 | 2012 | Lonicera dioica (?) | twining honeysuckle | N & E N Am | Caprifoliaceae |
1-26 | 1971 | Lonicera involucrata | twinberry honeysuckle | N Am | Caprifoliaceae |
3-55 | 2012 | Lonicera oblongifolia | swamp fly honeysuckle | E N Am | Caprifoliaceae |
13-1 | 2012 | Myrica gale | sweet gale | N N Am – N Eurasia | Myricaceae |
1-1 | 1974 | Parthenocissus inserta | thicket creeper | C & E N Am | Vitaceae |
18-23 | 1967 | Picea glauca | white spruce | N N Am | Pinaceae |
20-8 | 1966 | Pinus banksiana | jack pine | N & E N Am | Pinaceae |
25-10 | 2007 | Pinus contorta var. latifolia | lodgepole pine | W N Am | Pinaceae |
6-7 | 2007 | Populus angustifolia | narrowleaf cottonwood | W N Am | Salicaceae |
25-8 | 1968 | Populus deltoides | plains cottonwood | C N Am | Salicaceae |
25-2 | 1972 | Populus x acuminata | Rydberg's smooth bark cottonwood | C N Am | Salicaceae |
7-41 | 1966 | Potentilla fruticosa | shrubby cinquefoil or potentilla | N A – Eurasia | Rosaceae |
18-4 | 1966 | Prunus americana | wild source plum | C & E N Am | Rosaceae |
19-13 | 2006 | Prunus pumila var. besseyi | western sandcherry | C N Am | Rosaceae |
18-26 | 2018 | Prunus virginiana | chokecherry | N Am | Rosaceae |
16-1 | 1968 | Quercus macrocarpa | burr oak | C & E N Am | Fagaceae |
15-4 | 2014 | Rhamnus alnifolia | alder-leaved buckthorn | N Am | Rhamnaceae |
9-37 | 1969 | Rhus trilobata | skunkbush | W N Am | Anacardiaceae |
9-45 | 1967 | Ribes americanum | American black currant | C & E N Am | Grossulariaceae |
9-38 | 1972 | Ribes aureum | golden currant | W N Am | Grossulariaceae |
9-43 | 1967 | Ribes hirtellum | hairystem gooseberry | C & E N Am | Grossulariaceae |
9-41 | 1974 | Ribes oxycanthoides | Canada gooseberry | N N Am | Grossulariaceae |
23-23 | 2010 | Rosa acicularis | prickly rose | N N Am - N Eurasia | Rosaceae |
23-26 | 2018 | Rosa arkansana | prairie rose | C N Am | Rosaceae |
2-1.1 | 2018 | Rubus strigosus | American red raspberry | N Am | Rosaceae |
3-5 | 2011 | Salix bebbiana | Bebb willow | N N Am | Salicaceae |
1-41 | 2008 | Salix candida | sageleaf willow | C N Am | Salicaceae |
1-17 | 2007 | Salix discolor | pussy willow | N N Am | Salicaceae |
1-35 | 2010 | Salix discolor | pussy willow | C N Am | Salicaceae |
1-36 | 2014 | Salix lutea | yellow willow | C & W N Am | Salicaceae |
19-1 | 2014 | Salix pedicellaris | bog willow | N N Am | Salicaceae |
1-18 | 2018 | Salix pelita | satiny willow | C & E N Am | Salicaceae |
9-2 | 2013 | Salix petiolaris | meadow willow | C N Am | Salicaceae |
1-19 | 2014 | Salix pyrifolia | balsam willow | C & E N Am | Salicaceae |
1-20 | 2015 | Sallix amygdaloides | peachleaf willow | North America | Salicaceae |
18-16 | 1973 | Shepherdia argentea | silver buffaloberry | W N Am | Rosaceae |
21-34 | 2017 | Shepherdia canadensis | Canada buffaloberry | W & N N Am | Eleagnaceae |
9-16 | 1991 | Spiraea alba | narrow-leaved meadowsweet | C & E N Am | Rosaceae |
5-3 | 2014 | Symphoricarpos albus | snowberry | N Am | Caprifoliaceae |
5-7 | 2008 | Symphoricarpos occidentalis | buckbrush | N Am | Caprifoliaceae |
4-9 | 1966 | Ulmus americana | American elm | C & E N Am | Ulmaceae |
5-30 | 2011 | Viburnum edule | low-bush cranberry | N Am, NE Asia | Adoxaceae |
5-22 | 1966 | Viburnum lentago | nannyberry | C & E N Am | Adoxaceae |
5-28 | 2016 | Viburnum trilobum | high bush cranberry | N Am | Adoxaceae |